Friday, March 12, 2010

Bel Ami

2011 can't come quick enough so we can head to the theater to see Rob, sex, & orgies. Here's some pics of Rob sporting his Bel Ami look & making a top hat look HOT

We somehow missed this with all the Remember Me hoopla going on last week while Rob was in New York for the premiere. He pre-taped a CBS Early Show segment that aired this week...

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Thursday, March 11, 2010

FULL Eclipse Trailer!

June 30th can NOT come soon enough. Here's the full 90 second Eclipse Trailer...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wicked Wednesday Twi-Porn

OK ladies this week we have a HOT story for you. We love love love dominant Edward in this story it will not disappoint , check it out.

Master of the Universe

& here's a fan made video that's super HOT. Click here

10 second Eclipse Trailer!

Rob in Another Man photoshoot

Not sure how we managed to miss seeing these, but here's some new pics from Rob's Another Man Photoshoot