Thursday, June 10, 2010

Really Summit, Really??

What the fuck is wrong with Summit?? Are they intentionally trying to make Edward look like a douche in Eclipse & don't give a damn about promoting anything that remotely looks good with him on it?! Nicole & I have been waiting months for the Edward Eclipse cut out, I mean we fucking waited & talked about it every single day & even convinced our boss to buy it for us to put in our office (It helps with visuals while reading twi-porn). We've stalked FYE (local music store) and every where else we can in this town waiting for any sign on Eclipse merchandise to come out & we go to FYE today & see the stand up. And we stare at it. And we stare at it some more. And we both keep saying why?! Why did they do this to us?! We actually stood there so long staring at it that the salesman lurked over towards us & acted like she was putting cds up when she was actually watching to see if  we were either going to steal it or cut it's fucking head off. First you give us a clip with Bella ditching Edward to go hop on Jacob's bike & leave Edward standing by himself giving us the worse heart wrenching look that makes me want to drop kick Bella, and now you give us this ugly ass stand up?! He's not life size, he's actually as tall as me & I'm 5'7, his nose is deformed looking, his eyes look funny, & he's basically been photo shopped to hell & back. He looks better in Eclipse than Twilight & New Moon & we were expecting the stand up to look better too, but that ain't happening. I bet Rob thinks he looks like a total transvestite in the cut out..LOL If he thought he looked like one in Twilight because of the eye brow plucking I'd hate to hear what he had to say when he saw the stand up for the first time.

This is what we expected the stand up to look like (and yes we already have the poster in our office)

Or even this one, since they took a scene from New Moon & made it into the stand up

But instead, we get this...

And don't even get me started on the doll! I'll have to save that rant for another post but I'll leave you with a picture of it, let us know what you think.

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