Friday, June 11, 2010

Eclipse Behind the Scenes

Screencaps from latest Eclipse clip

Screen caps from the latest clip. Rob is smokin' hot sex on legs in Eclipse. I'm gonna need to bring some extra panties & maybe a plastic seat protector to the movies.

You can view tons more of screen caps over at Robert Pattinson Life

"Doesn't He Own a Shirt" Clip in Hd

This movie is seriously gonna be the death of me. He looks like a fanfuckingtastic kisser & if I were Kristen I would've had to run my hands through his soft hair, put my hands on his ass, maybe hump his leg a little bit...*sigh*

ANOTHER Eclipse Clip

The rate they're putting out clips we'll see the entire movie before it even comes out. I'm not complaining though, especially about this clip because that kiss is going to fucking kill me.

New pics from WFE set

These were taken last night on the "Water for Elephants" set & Rob looks like he's having so much fun filming this movie. I started reading the script today & it seems great so far.

New Eclipse Clip

New Eclipse Stills

Breaking Dawn Confirmed 2 Movies

Looks like we'll have another 2 years of Twilight madness, Summit confirmed yesterday Breaking Dawn will be 2 movies. I wonder how they're going to make everyone look the same since vampires aren't suppose to age & in 2 years some of the actors will obviously have changed & grown up.

First Film to Arrive in The­atres Novem­ber 18, 2011
Los Ange­les, CA, June 10, 2010 – Sum­mit Enter­tain­ment con­firmed today that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be released as two sep­a­rate films with the first of the two slated to be released in the­atres on Novem­ber 18, 2011. Acad­emy Award® win­ner Bill Con­don will direct both films star­ring Kris­ten Stew­art, Robert Pat­tin­son and Tay­lor Laut­ner along with Billy Burke as Char­lie Swan as well as return­ing mem­bers of the Cullen Fam­ily includ­ing Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Eliz­a­beth Reaser as Esme, Jack­son Rath­bone as Jasper, Nikki Reed as Ros­alie, Ash­ley Greene as Alice and Kel­lan Lutz as Emmett.
The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephe­nie Meyer’s Twi­light series, is cur­rently being writ­ten by Melissa Rosen­berg with Wyck God­frey, Karen Rosen­felt and Stephe­nie Meyer pro­duc­ing. The TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will start pro­duc­tion in the Fall.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illu­mi­nates the secrets and mys­ter­ies of this spell­bind­ing roman­tic epic that has entranced millions.
The third film in the fran­chise, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE is due in the­aters on June 30, 2010.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Extra Interview w/ Eclipse Scenes

I'm not a fan of Bryce as the new Victoria, but here's a clip that Extra did showing a few new scenes I haven't seen before.


Really Summit, Really??

What the fuck is wrong with Summit?? Are they intentionally trying to make Edward look like a douche in Eclipse & don't give a damn about promoting anything that remotely looks good with him on it?! Nicole & I have been waiting months for the Edward Eclipse cut out, I mean we fucking waited & talked about it every single day & even convinced our boss to buy it for us to put in our office (It helps with visuals while reading twi-porn). We've stalked FYE (local music store) and every where else we can in this town waiting for any sign on Eclipse merchandise to come out & we go to FYE today & see the stand up. And we stare at it. And we stare at it some more. And we both keep saying why?! Why did they do this to us?! We actually stood there so long staring at it that the salesman lurked over towards us & acted like she was putting cds up when she was actually watching to see if  we were either going to steal it or cut it's fucking head off. First you give us a clip with Bella ditching Edward to go hop on Jacob's bike & leave Edward standing by himself giving us the worse heart wrenching look that makes me want to drop kick Bella, and now you give us this ugly ass stand up?! He's not life size, he's actually as tall as me & I'm 5'7, his nose is deformed looking, his eyes look funny, & he's basically been photo shopped to hell & back. He looks better in Eclipse than Twilight & New Moon & we were expecting the stand up to look better too, but that ain't happening. I bet Rob thinks he looks like a total transvestite in the cut out..LOL If he thought he looked like one in Twilight because of the eye brow plucking I'd hate to hear what he had to say when he saw the stand up for the first time.

This is what we expected the stand up to look like (and yes we already have the poster in our office)

Or even this one, since they took a scene from New Moon & made it into the stand up

But instead, we get this...

And don't even get me started on the doll! I'll have to save that rant for another post but I'll leave you with a picture of it, let us know what you think.

New Bree Eclipse Clip

Eclipse Promo Schedule

Here's the latest schedule for the Eclipse promo. I know Rob's filming, but damn I miss seeing him in all the Twilight promo.

  • June 12: Rob, Kristen, and Taylor to appear at Creation Entertainment’s “The Official Twilight Convention” in Los Angeles
  • June14: Taping of the Jimmy Kimmel 'Twilight' Special' (to be aired June 23)
  • June14: Robet Pattinson to appear on The Today Show in a pre-done chat with Jenna Bush
  • June 15: Robert Pattinson to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
  • June 17: Rome, Italy: Kristen and Taylor are now set for an appearance in Rome
  • June 18: Stephenie Meyer’s mini press junket for four lucky fan blogs.
  • June 21: Stockholm, Sweden: Kristen and Taylor and Kristen would visit Stockholm on June 21st. Though a media press conference has been announced, details of any fan events have not been definitively confirmed.
  • June 21: At 6AM on this date, fans may begin camping out near the Nokia Theater to witness red carpet festivities around the “Eclipse” premiere
  • June 23: Moviefone to air interviews with Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and Robert Pattinson based on questions sent in by fans.
  • June 23: Jimmy Kimmel special “Twilight Saga: Total Eclipse of the Heart” to air on ABC at 10:00PM EST
  • June 24: Red carpet premiere of “Eclipse” in Los Angeles as part of Los Angeles Film Festival
  • June 28: Kristen Stewart to appear on The Late Show with David Letterman
  • June 29: Kristen Stewart to appear on Live with Regis & Kelly & The Today Show
  • June 29: Release date for “Twilight Saga: Eclipse – The Score” (i.e., the theatrical soundtrack)
  • June 29: Release date for “The Twilight Saga Eclipse: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion”
  • June 30: “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” film premieres in the U.S. on traditional screens and on IMAX
 Due to Rob’s shooting schedule for “Water for Elephants”, he will be absent for most “Eclipse” promo engagements that take place far outside of LA.

Via KStewRobFans

More WFE set pictures

I haven't read this book yet but I'm totally going to before the movie comes up. He is one sexy mofo

New WFE Pics from last night!

He gets better looking in each movie if that's even possible. Here are some pics from the "Water for Elephants" set shot last night & Christoph are in some also.